
My Boy

My son is so literal.

Today I was going through his school folder that was filled with completed work. I came across his math progress report. As usual, he tests as "secure" in each of the mastery concepts. This is nothing new, he has always had a mathematical brain. And if I didn't know that he really does understand math, I might be worried after looking over some of his answers on his assessment. Read on....

So read this question, and pay close attention to his answer.

5. Mrs. Green wants to buy a washing machine and pay for it in 1 year. L-Mart offers two plans, and she want to choose the cheaper one.

Plan A: $7 each week; a total of 52 payments.
Plan B: $27 each month; a total of 12 payments.

Which plan would cost less?

My child, correctly puts down "Plan B."

Then he is asked to "Explain your answer."

He writes:

"I remembered the answer on our study guide."

I tell ya, that kid is so LITERAL!

1 comment:

sheena said...

so so funny!